Sunday, December 29, 2019

Understanding Highway Hypnosis

Have you ever driven home and arrived at your destination without remembering how you got there? No, you werent abducted by aliens or taken over by your alternate persona. You simply experienced highway hypnosis. Highway hypnosis or white line fever is a trance-like state under which a person drives a motor vehicle in a normal, safe manner yet has no recollection of having done so. Drivers experiencing highway hypnosis may zone out for short distances or hundreds of miles. The idea of highway hypnosis was first introduced in an 1921 article as road hypnotism, while the term highway hypnosis was introduced in 1963 by G.W. Williams. In the 1920s, researchers observed motorists appeared to fall asleep with their eyes open and continue to steer vehicles normally. In the 1950s, some psychologists suggested otherwise unexplained automobile accidents might be due to highway hypnosis. However, modern studies suggest there is a difference between driving while tired and automatic driving. Key Takeaways: Highway Hypnosis Highway hypnosis occurs when a person zones out while driving a motor vehicle, often driving a significant distance with no memory of having done so.Highway hypnosis is also known as automatic driving. It is not the same as fatigued driving, as a person may engage in automatic driving safely. Safety and reaction times are negatively affected by driving when tired.Ways to avoid highway hypnosis include driving during daytime, drinking a caffeinated beverage, keeping the interior of the vehicle cool, and engaging in conversation with a passenger. Highway Hypnosis Versus Fatigued Driving Highway hypnosis is an example of the phenomenon of automaticity. Automaticity is the ability to perform actions without consciously thinking about them. People perform daily activities automatically all the time, such as walking, riding a bike, or performing a learned and practiced skill, such as knitting. Once a skill is mastered, its possible to perform it while focusing on other tasks. For example, a person skilled at driving a car can plan a grocery list while driving. Because the stream of consciousness is directed at the other task, partial or complete amnesia of the time spent driving can occur. While driving on automatic may seem hazardous, automaticity may actually be superior to conscious driving for professional or skilled drivers. This is called the centipede effect after the fable of the centipedes dilemma or Humphreys law after psychologist George Humphrey. In the fable, a centipede was walking along as usual until another animal asked it how it moved with so many feet . When the centipede thought about walking, its feet became entangled. Humphrey described the phenomenon another way, No man skilled at a trade needs to put his constant attention on the routine work. If he does, the job is apt to be spoiled. In the context of driving, thinking too hard about the actions being performed may worsen the skill. For most drivers, the dull trance state they experience is really falling asleep at the wheel rather than hypnosis. While a person experiencing true highway hypnosis automatically scans the environment for threats and alerts the brain of danger, a tired driver starts to experience tunnel vision and reduced awareness of other drivers and obstacles. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, fatigued driving accounts for over 100,000 collisions per year and about 1550 deaths. Drowsy driving is extremely dangerous, as it increases reaction time and impairs coordination, judgement, and memory. Numerous studies have shown sleep-deprived driving is more dangerous than driving under the influence of a 0.05% blood alcohol level. The distinction between highway hypnosis and fatigue driving is that its possible to experience automaticity while being wide awake. Driving when tired, on the other hand, can lead to falling asleep at the wheel. How to Stay Awake at the Wheel Whether youre freaked out by the idea of driving on autopilot (highway hypnosis) or are tired and trying to stay awake at the wheel, there are steps you can take to improve your focus and wakefulness. Drive in Daylight:  Driving during daylight hours helps prevent fatigue driving because people are naturally more alert under lighted conditions. Also, the scenery is more interesting/less monotonous, so its easier to remain aware of surroundings. Drink Coffee:  Drinking coffee or another caffeinated beverage helps keep you awake a few different ways. First, the caffeine blocks adenosine receptors in the brain, which fights sleepiness. The stimulant increases metabolism and directs the liver to release glucose into the bloodstream, which feeds your brain. Caffeine also acts as a diuretic, meaning youll have to stop for a bathroom break more often if you drink a lot while driving. Finally, consuming either a very hot or very cold drink will command your attention. If you prefer not to take more bathroom breaks, caffeine pills are available over the counter to provide the benefits without the additional liquid. Eat Something:  Munching on a snack gives you immediate energy and requires just enough attention to keep you on task. Have Good Posture:  Good posture maximizes blood flow throughout the body, helping to keep you in top form. Crank the A/C:  Its harder to fall asleep or into a trance if youre uncomfortable. One way to achieve this is to make the inside of the vehicle uncomfortably cold. During warm months, you can turn the air conditioner down to some arctic setting. In the winter, cracking a window helps. Listen to Music You Hate:  Music you enjoy may lull you into a relaxed state, while tunes you loathe cause irritation. Think of it as a sort of audio thumbtack, preventing you from getting too comfortable to doze off. Listen to People Talking:  Engaging in a conversation or listening to talk radio requires more concentration than listening to music. For most people, its a pleasant way to pass the time while remaining clear-headed. For drivers who seek to get into the zone, the sound may be an unwanted distraction. Stop and Take a Break:  If youre driving tired, youre dangerous to yourself and others. Sometimes the best course of action is to get off the road and get some rest! Prevent Problems:  If you know youll be driving a long distance, at night, or in poor weather, you can prevent a lot of problems by making certain youre well-rested before starting the trip. Catch a nap before trips that start later in the day. Avoid taking medications that make you drowsy, such as antihistamines or sedatives. References Peters, Robert D. Effects of Partial and Total Sleep Deprivation on Driving Performance, US Department of Transportation, February 1999.Underwood, Geoffrey D. M. (2005). Traffic and transport psychology: theory and application: proceedings of the ICTTP 2004. Elsevier. pp. 455–456.Weiten, Wayne.  Psychology Themes and Variations  (6th ed.). Belmont, California: Wadsworth/Thomas Learning. p.  200Williams, G. W. (1963). Highway Hypnosis.  International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis  (103): 143–151.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Genetic Dna And Bioinformatics ( Accession No. Xp Essay

RESULTS Isolation of BbovM17LAP gene The BbM17LAP gene available in GenBank (accession no. XP_001609968) was accessed through the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and its sequence was retrieved for further analysis. The genomic DNA of BbM17LAP was found in chromosome 2, extending between 1,045,409 bp and 1,047,164 bp of the genome. The ORF of the corresponding mRNA encoding BbM17LAP consists of 1,578 bp. Alignment of the mRNA sequence with genomic DNA using Genetyx revealed that the gene has 4 introns within its ORF. The first one was a 33- bp intron (50-ggtatgtttgtttgaatactgctgaatctgtgta-30) situated near the 50 end of the gene. The other nucleotide sequences included a 35-bp (50-agatacttacagtaacgatacaagttcatgtaggt-30) intron, a 34-bp (50-tgggttacactctttatgctatatttgttatagg-30) intron, and a 40-bp (50- gtaagttaattgggctacaagaagcgtaatatacatacag-30) intron all located close to each other near the 30 end. Isolation of BbovM17LAP cDNA and bioinformatics analysis A pair of primers targeting the ORF of BbM17LAP was used to amplify and sequence the gene from a B. bovis cDNA expression library. This BbM17LAP cDNA encoded a predicted 55-kDa protein without a signal peptide. The translated BbM17LAP polypeptide shared significant homology with B. gibsoni M17LAP, having 71% amino acid identity and similarity (E value ¼0). The other significant homologues included Theileria parva and Theileria annulata M17 LAPs, both having 61% amino acid identities. The polypeptide

Friday, December 13, 2019

Norman Rockwell’s Paintings Free Essays

Norman Rockwell is a very imaginative character. He was able to paint images that captured the attention of millions. The first picture on page 22 is â€Å"A Family Tree†. We will write a custom essay sample on Norman Rockwell’s Paintings or any similar topic only for you Order Now It ends with a man, a woman, and a child. Because this is a family tree, we can infer that this is a husband, a wife, and their child. The second picture, â€Å"Freedom from Want†, shows a family gathering on a dinner table. That event could be what is known as Thanksgiving Dinner. The third picture, â€Å"Freedom from Fear†, shows a mom and a dad tucking there kids into bed. Now just by looking at these paintings, evidence of what they represent is pretty straight forward. This is the idealistic view of what families should look like about 50 years ago, known as the golden age for children to grow up. A little closer look, though, would reveal a different view upon these pictures. It is said that these paintings are a bit naive. The family tree starts off as what look like pirates. This is no way to represent an ideal family. In this tree, marriages from different classes of people collide to then form the perfect couple. And what about the second picture; everyone is sitting at the table with a smile on. Let’s get real people; every family has its conflicts. The last picture shows the parents putting their kids to bed and giving them comfort. Now take a look at the heading of the newspaper that the father is holding. â€Å"Bombings† and â€Å"Horror† are words that appear. Ironically, a glance at the facial expressions of the parents shows them to be very calm. I don’t know about you but I’d be pretty shaken if those were the headlines of my daily paper. The â€Å"Family Tree† painting compares with the photo of Thomas Jefferson’s tombstone. This is because the â€Å"Family Tree†, though from the same family, represents different types of people. Next to the tombstone, you also find different types of people, ranging from black to white. Each image has a different symbol, but both images represent â€Å"family. † The family tree is hereditary family, while the tombstone is national family working together as one to accomplish and make up what is now The United States of America. How to cite Norman Rockwell’s Paintings, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Article Review of Half Defense Positive Accounting Research

Question: Discuss about theArticle Review of Half Defense Positive Accounting Research. Answer: Introduction: This report discusses research paper on the half a defense positive accounting research. Positive accounting research is the research to test the positive accounting theory. Watts and Zimmerman state that the contract between parties in different organizations leads the accounting to be emerged. The scientific research is called to be positive accounting research when the non rational elements of human behavior cause accounting. Along with this, the main aims this report is to analyze the phenomena of the accounting research. The main aim of the research paper was to analyze the positive accounting research in intellectual project in scientific research with a view to identify the cause and effect relationship in the world. The report will include the critical argument on ontology and epistemology, research methodology used in the article, hypothesis set out in the paper, and hypothesis testing with recommendation provided in the article. The main focus of the report is to identify t he cause and effect relationship in accounting. The article is focused on the review of epistemological and ontological hypothesis of the intellectual project to understand and gain insight into the deficiencies and importance of positive accounting research. Summary: This article analyzes and discusses Positive Accounting Theory. It compares two different theories positive accounting theory and normative accounting theory to identify the best one theory. It assesses the development of Positive Accounting Theory and puts in comparison with three standard account of science Lakatos, Kuhn, and Popper. This article demonstrates that rather positive Accounting Theory comprises of elements of all the three standards of science however methodological status of the Positive Accounting Theory does not fit any of three fully. Along with this, the article found that development of Positive Accounting Theory characterized normal science over the decades by Kuhn. This article aims to identify that how the current accounting research practices are below to whatever required conducting the research successfully. It also assesses two aspects epistemology and ontology of the positive research. Along with this, the article shows that Watts and Zimmerman devised a term Positive Accounting Theory for their theory of accounting. Along with this, the epistemology and ontology of the research programs of positive accounting have been examined. This paper identified that positivist research programs are very effective and powerful, however due to some deficiencies in the research practices it losing its value. This paper identified that casually development of theoretical models, dully reliance of research on the rational of hypothesis testing, no interest in the quantitative parametrical values, and analysis of qualitative data using theories exist. Different competing theories should be tested comparatively to ensure the critical qualitative research. According to this paper, the positive research in accounting is not able to attain scientific objectives of the research. However, normal science defined by Kuhn is best suited to the positive research in accounting than actual science. Apart from this, the article devised some suggestion such as better theoretical model for positive accounting research, better measurement of the theoretical models, and shifting the focus to anticipation of the parameters from testing the formed hypothesis. Hypothesis: There are following working hypothesis made in this paper. These hypotheses are The world is not depending on human imaginations. It is not made up by human beings and the events in the world are not under the control of human desires. Events in the world are neither consequence of the intervention for outside nor are duly random. Is it possible for any normal person to gather information with fair reliability about the events by observation? The goal of the intellectual enquire is to observe for gaining and developing the knowledge of the world. There is great complexity and difficulty in assessing the corporate directors social world than wolf pack. These hypotheses were developed based on the understanding and knowledge gained by the researcher from the literature review. The researcher did not assert for the hypothesis and revealed the general agreed explanation that the living being outside the world intervene in the world that causes the events in the world. Theoretical Framework: In this paper, theoretical framework has been used to conduct the qualitative positive research of accounting. This paper includes theoretical framework that defines the hypothesis, data collection, hypothesis testing, how the existing theories are falsified and proved, research approach, philosophy, and other research methods and methodologies for the qualitative and quantitative positive accounting research program. The epistemology, ontology and research methods are the part of interpretive research paradigm. Positive Research in Accounting: Positive accounting research is the testing of the positive accounting theory. According to Watts and Zimmerman, implied or express contract between parties in the different kinds of organization and the rational in their self interest may cause accounting. The positive accounting theory carries choice for managers, auditors decision for reporting and pricing, politicians and regulators decision regarding accounting standards, expert advice, and various other phenomena of accounting. Some kinds of accounting researches assess the human behavior without considering the rationality and self interest of the parties. Thus, the positive accounting research is broader than the positive accounting theory. This may be called as scientific accounting research as the non-rational elements of the human behavior cause the phenomena of accounting. Epistemology, Ontology, and Methodology: Epistemology and Ontology Positive accounting research is just different from the accounting research. Ontology states that the knowledge developed by the contextual and social understanding of the accounting. At the same time, epistemology aspect of the interpretivist paradigm states that how does one get to know about the worldview of a person. The positive accounting research is interpretivist research pursuing some of the question such as what, why, when, and how to develop the contextual understanding of the research topic or problem. The world does not object the nature of the persons consisted of their role, practices, relationships, and conducts. The events or contract between parties may be without following any rational aspects. The self interest as recited above should comprise of the experience gained by the social actor or person and the meaning he or she gives to his or her life and acts. Both of the elements of self interest give the sense of the subjectivity but they form an objective reality during the social interaction process among parties. Due to the logical difficulties between ontological and epistemological aspects of positive accounting research, the positive research programs are futile as they aims at developing the objective understanding of the factors causing phenomena of accounting. The ontology here has defined the reality of the social interaction between human beings and epistemology has defined that how the research can discover the meaning behind the activities and events took place. The research asks open questions rather than close ending questions to know about the viewpoints of the persons. The researcher decides about the questions to be asked from the participants. The manager controls over the research through the budgetary system. The key problem has to be identified for furthering the research process. It may be that the positive epistemology and ontology are not correct but they cannot be said illogical and absurd. Methodology: Methodology is the third element of the research paradigm. The methodology states that methods used in the research. The methodology used in the article given below: Research philosophy and research approach: The interpretivist research philosophy has been used in this paper to discover the causes of accounting phenomenon without non rational assumptions. The researcher used some questions such as what, why, when, and how regarding the relationship between positive and interpretive accounting research as that between humanity and science. At the same time, here inductive approach was used to prove the theories. Inductive approach has been used to gather the qualitative data to test the cause and effect relation between human behavior and accounting. Research Design and Method: The research design is the types of research to be used for solving the problem. The research design may be of two types such as quantitative research and qualitative research. The qualitative research has been conducted using inductive approach to gather the huge data regarding positive accounting research in organizations. The qualitative research methods include interview, narrative, observation, case study, ethnography, and others. Here the researcher has used qualitative research to test the theories. The qualitative research is used to test whether the nature of reality which is socially framed is not an insuperable issue, and is there a difficulty in observation of the corporate directors social world than the same of the wolf. The survey has been used to know the human behavior in the group. Survey is the method in which the information about behavior of the human in organizations is gathered through asking some question or observation. Hypothesis Testing or Findings: There are some steps of the Poppers theory that should be followed while testing the theories. This process includes four steps which are Carefully observation of the research objective and development of the ideas and viewpoints about that Development of theories including predictions in harmonious to reliable and relevant empirical evidences Testing the predictions of new theories and old existing theories in same situation and rejecting the theory fails in test Replication of step 2 and step 3 always The Poppers criterion may not be falsified and disapproved because many of the assumption are decided theoretically so falsification of that prediction does not show the assumption which is actually wrong. At the same time, the testing of hypothesis by the observation is not the scientific research therefore the Popper criterion cannot be disproved. The observation cannot help in measuring a single theory but in case of two or more theories the observation might be selected. A decisive observation can disapprove the theories which are incorrect but at the same time it would have to support to the competing theories or theory. The qualitative accounting research fails in solving the question whether theory of Foucault is applicable in situation of the adoption of the strategic system approach in auditing and whether the application technology of self devised by Foucault to ensure the compliance by front line auditors is an empirical question or not. The theoretical frameworks used are assertion that leads the failure of the qualitative accounting research. Recommendations: The paper provided includes some recommendation for effective positive research programs. A specific vulnerable model should be utilized with carefully entering the variables in model for mathematical measurement. Analytical modeling of the theoretical models to effectively test the theoretical prediction should be. In accounting research, the researcher should develop a theoretical model accordingly that may support in collection, validation and analysis of data. The main focus of the research should be on the measurement rather than testing. The measurement supports in developing the conceptual understanding. The Significance and Limitation of the Article: This paper identified that gap between positive accounting research programs and requirements to make it more effective for contributing in intellectual programs. This limitation affects the significance of the article. Improper selection of the research methods leads to ineffective research and testing of the theories that leads to incorrect consequences. These limitations put impact on the quality of the article and its contribution. The scientific research hypothesis set out the researchers was not accepted by the Kuhn theory. The article focuses on the Kuhn theory which is not accepted by other most of the scientists. Conclusion: From the above analysis, it can be concluded that the report defined the topic of the paper, hypothesis, theoretical framework of the research elements such as ontology and epistemology, research philosophy, research approach, research design, and data collection methods. It is found that the qualitative research is not able to addressing the research question related to the positive accounting research and positive accounting theory. There is some suggestion provided for the effective positive accounting research. The critical analysis in the paper has implication on the positive accounting research programs. The analysis suggested some recommendation that may help in improving the positive accounting research. References: Dunmore, P. (2009) Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research. Retrieved from